import typing
import FreeCAD
import Import
from pathlib import Path
from .Modules.buildCAD import buildCAD, makeTree
from .Modules.MCNPinput import McnpInput
from .Modules.Objects import CadCell
from .Modules.XMLinput import XmlInput
class CsgToCad:
"""Base class for the conversion of CSG to CAD models"""
def __init__(self):
def export_cad(
input_filename: str,
csg_format: str,
output_filename: str = "cad_from_csg",
bounding_box: typing.Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int] = (-1000, -1000, -1000, 1000, 1000, 1000),
universe_start: int = 0,
level_max: str = "all",
cell_range_type: str = "all",
cell_range: typing.Tuple[int] = (),
mat_range_type: str = "all",
mat_range: typing.Tuple[int] = (),
# TODO add these to the method signature
# splitTolerance in the Options class
# mat = this is in the CADselection dictionary but not in the docs
"""export the CSG geometry in OpenMC or MCNP format to a CAD model.
input_filename (str): The filename and path of the input CSG text file.
csg_format (str): The format of the CSG input file, options are 'openmc_xml' or 'mcnp'
output_filename (str, optional): The filename stem and path of the output file created.
Two files will be created with the '.step' suffix and one with the 'FCStd' suffix.
Defaults to 'cad_from_csg'.
bounding_box (typing.Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int], optional): The bounding box
coordinates of the CSG geometry. This should encompass the entire CSG geometry.
Format is (xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax) Defaults to (-1000, -1000, -1000,
1000, 1000, 1000).
universe_start (int, optional): The Universe ID to be converted to CAD. If universe_start
is left as 0 then all the universes and any nested universes are converted. If set
then the universe and all its nested universes are converted. Defaults to 0.
level_max (str, optional): Level maximum of nested universe to be translated. If
level_max < highest nested universe level, cells inside the container cell whose
level is level_max will not be translated. This container cell will be the CAD
solid written in the CAD file. Defaults to "all".
cell_range_type (str, optional): Define how to consider the range values.
setting to 'all' results in all the cells with any cell ID being converted (range a no effect).
setting to 'include' results in only cells defined in 'range' being converted.
setting to 'exclude' results in exclude all cells defined in range. Defaults to "all".
cell_range (typing.Tuple[int], optional): list of cells to be included/excluded for the conversion.
Defaults to ().
mat_range_type (str, optional): Define how to consider the range values.
setting to 'all' results in all the materials with any cell ID being converted (range a no effect).
setting to 'include' results in only materials defined in 'range' being converted.
setting to 'exclude' results in exclude all materials defined in range. Defaults to "all".
mat_range (typing.Tuple[int], optional): list of materials to be included/excluded for the conversion.
Defaults to ().
ValueError: If the csg_format is not 'openmc_xml' or 'mcnp' then a ValueError is raised.
# TODO check file extensions are correct
# if Path(output_filename).suffix not in ['.stp', '.step']:
# raise ValueError(f"output file must have a .stp or .step extension, not {universe_start.suffix}")
# get geometry definition from OpenMC XML or MCNP input
if csg_format == "mcnp":
geo = McnpInput(input_filename)
elif csg_format == "openmc_xml":
geo = XmlInput(input_filename)
msg = f"input format type {csg_format} is not supported. Supported options are 'openmc_xml' or 'mcnp'"
raise ValueError(msg)
Path(output_filename).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
UnivCell = CadCell()
UnivCell.shape = UnivCell.makeBox(FreeCAD.BoundBox(*bounding_box))
# TODO make these variable names lower case in the downstream code
CADselection = {
"Ustart": universe_start,
"levelMax": level_max,
"cell": [cell_range_type, cell_range],
"mat": [mat_range_type, mat_range],
"format": csg_format,
"cell_range_type": cell_range_type,
"cell_range": cell_range,
"mat_range_type": mat_range_type,
"mat_range": mat_range,
# TODO don't return fails variable, just fail in the method and raise the error there
CADCells, fails = buildCAD(UnivCell, geo, CADselection)
if fails:
print("failed in conversion", fails)
CADdoc = FreeCAD.newDocument("converted_with_geouned")
makeTree(CADdoc, CADCells)
Import.export(CADdoc.Objects[0:1], f"{output_filename}.step")